Barefoot Bowls Sutherland Shire

Taren Point Bowling Club offers the best barefoot bowls in the Sutherland Shire. Come down and experience a fun activity with friends.

by Taren Point Bowling Club

Looking for a fun outdoor exercise that people of all ages and skill levels can participate in? Barefoot bowls at Taren Point Bowling Club in the stunning Sutherland Shire is the only option.

Australia has seen a rise in the popularity of barefoot bowls as more people seek for enjoyable outdoor activities to enjoy with friends and family. With a number of immaculately kept bowling greens, Taren Point Bowling Club provides the ideal setting for barefoot bowling.

What is Barefoot Bowls?

But what is barefoot bowls precisely, and how do you play it? Playing grass bowls barefoot or in flat-soled shoes is referred to as “barefoot bowls,” which is a more laid-back and informal variation of the sport. The object of the game, which is played on a flat field of grass, is to roll your bowl as close as you can to the jack, a smaller goal ball. Everyone of any age can enjoy this game, from young toddlers to the elderly.

Weekend and Weekday Barefoot Bowls

At Taren Point Bowling Club, we offer barefoot bowls on our beautiful greens every day of the week. Whether you’re looking for a fun weekend activity or a midweek escape, we’ve got you covered. Our green is available for casual play or for bookings for social events such as birthdays, corporate functions, and team building activities. Enjoy a drink and a meal at The Bistro at The Point after you play. 

Barefoot Bowls in the Sutherland Shire

One of the great things about barefoot bowls is that it’s a very social activity, making it perfect for groups of friends or family. At Taren Point Bowling Club, we offer a range of packages to suit different group sizes and budgets, including food and drink options. 

But it’s not just groups that can enjoy barefoot bowls at Taren Point Bowling Club. We also offer regular barefoot bowls events, including our popular Friday Afternoon Barefoot Bowls. This is the perfect way to start your weekend, with a fun and relaxed game of barefoot bowls followed by drinks and live music.

How do you play Barefoot Bowls?

The object of the game is to roll your bowl as near as you can to the jack, a smaller target ball. The goal of the game, which is played on a flat area of grass, is to get your bowl as close to the jack as you can. Each player or team is given four bowls to use, and the one with the bowl that is closest to the jack at the conclusion of the game is declared the victor.

One of the competitors places the jack on the green to begin the game. The jack cannot be moved while the game is in progress and must be at least two metres away from the border of the green. Once the jack is set up, the participants alternately roll their bowls in the direction of the jack.

You must stand on the mat when it is your time to bowl and hold your bowl firmly in both hands. Your thumbs should be on the bottom of the bowl, and your fingers should be splayed out around its perimeter. You then take a step forwards and throw the bowl, trying to get it as near to the jack as you can.

Controlling the bowl’s speed and direction is one of the important tactics in barefoot bowls. Numerous variables, such as the climate, the length of the vegetation, and the slope of the ground, can have an impact on the green. When rolling your dish, all of these considerations must be made.

The use of various bowls is another significant element of the game. Each player can select the bowl that best fits their playing style from a variety of sizes and weights of bowls. While some players prefer lighter bowls for simpler handling, others prefer heavier bowls for greater control.

In barefoot bowls, your score is determined by how many of your bowls are closer to the jack than those of your opponents. For instance, you will receive three points if your nearest bowl is three more bowls away from the jack than your opponent’s closest bowl. The player with the most points at the game’s conclusion is declared the victor.

While barefoot bowls may seem like a serious game, it’s actually a very relaxed and casual activity. Players are encouraged to enjoy themselves and have fun, and there is often plenty of laughter and good-natured banter on the green. The game is perfect for people of all ages and skill levels, and it’s a great way to spend time outdoors with friends and family.

In terms of attire, barefoot bowls is called that for a reason – players typically play without shoes, and instead wear flat-soled shoes or socks. This is to protect the green from damage and to provide a better grip on the surface. Most clubs also require players to wear appropriate attire, such as collared shirts and neat shorts or pants.

Everyone can have a good time playing barefoot bowls at Taren Point Bowling Club, regardless of their bowling expertise. The only thing you need to bring is your sense of fun and adventure because we supply all the necessary tools, including bowls and jacks. Why not get everyone together and head over to Taren Point Bowling Club for a casual and enjoyable game of barefoot bowling? Get in touch with all enquiries today!

Barefoot Bowls Sutherland Shire